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Enchanting items applies different stat modifiers to any equipable item that doesn’t expire, have charges or is a container. Items can be enchanted with different types of enchant gems or come enchanted as loot from any creature that drops loot. Each time you use an enchant gem you gain experiance and can increase you enchanting level.

There are 6 different types of enchant gems:

  • uncommon (1 modifier)
  • rare (2 modifiers)
  • epic (3 modifiers)
  • legendary (4 modifiers)
  • artifact (5 modifiers)
  • random (1-5 modifiers)

You can obtain different enchant gems by killing Elite Monsters, Bosses, Disenchanting items or by completing Tasks. You can also purchase random enchant gems from the NPC Luna, she is located in the training area.

Stat Modifiers can increase stats between 1-10% except for Attack, Defence and Armor, which are flat value increases. Stat modifiers are randomly selected from the available modifiers allowed for the items slot type and you may have multiple stat modifier effect the same stat. In this case they are additive as well as with other items with the same stat modifier. Eg an item with the modifiers [magic level +5%] [magic level +3%] is the same as an item with the single modifier [magic level +8%]

Increasing your enchanting level increases the minium %enchant on an item up to a max of 5%. The following table reflects the bonus based on enchanting level. For example if you had 20 enchanting you would not roll below 2% on any gem you use.

Level Min% on Roll
20 2
40 3
60 4
80 5

An Enchant Copy Scroll take the stats from 1 item and place it onto a scroll. That scroll can be sold or used again on another item to re-apply the same stats that were coppied. Copy scrolls are extreamly rare and can only be obtained from world boss, raid boss and elite drops. Their are other means to obtain these scrolls but they will remain a secret.

The table below shows what stat modifiers are available to each item slot type:

Modifier Helmet Amulet Melee 1H Melee 2H Rod/Wand Bow/Xbow Armor Spellbook Shield Ring Legs Boots
Magic Level%
Physical Resistance %
Elemental Resistance%